The Practical Missions Podcast 

Five Lies Workers Believe

And a little hope for those who believe them 

My core belief is that most cross-culture workers are really doing their best to honor God by serving the people they have been called to. The work is messy, slow, hard, rarely looks the way you want it to, and has little applause. There can be tensions between what is happening on the ground and what people back home expect to be happening on the ground.


Here are some lies workers can believe about themeless, their identity, and their work. These lies can lead to discouragement, burnout, and most of all will take our eyes off of Jesus and put them on ourselves or our work.


1. The Ends Justifies The Means 

Even if my personal life is not being taken care of (e.g., I’m angry all the time, I don’t have a prayer life anymore., my devos is a chore, I have crazy mood swings, I’m lazy, I’m a workaholic, I have no joy), it doesn’t matter as long as I’m getting my ministry stuff done.


The lie here is that the ends justify the means. As long as I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing in ministry, it doesn’t matter if I’m neglectful in other areas. Sometimes we can neglect hard things, like spending time with family, being on our knees in prayer, and taking care of our health preciously because we are getting stuff done in our ministries. Forget about the end goal; how are you doing in the small things of life?


2. My Ministry is my Identity 

Because my identity is over-wrapped up in me being a missionary, if for some reason I have to leave the field or am struggling spiritually, I lose the core sense of who I am. I can’t be honest with others about marriage issues, burnout, lack of vision, or anything else that might make me look like a “bad” missionary. My identity is so tightly connected to my ministry that I struggle to know who I am apart from it.


The lie here is that you are what you do. You’re not. Missions is a calling and, for many people, a passion, but far more than being a missionary, you are a Christian. Christians are weak, messed up, normal people in desperate need of God’s grace every day. And God’s perfect love for you is in no way connected to your ministry. He loves you. Own that as your identity.


3. Right Strategy equals Desired Results 

If I just have the right Strategy in place, I am guaranteed the fruit I want. If I’m not getting the desired fruit, it must be because I’m doing something wrong.


The lie here is that you can create outcomes by having the right Strategy. Missions is not selling iPhones or Coca-Cola products. We are in Kingdom work, and only God himself can create outcomes. The best Strategy in the world does not guarantee desired results. It’s God’s kingdom, not yours. It’s Christ shed blood, not yours. Christ will build his church in his timing and the manner he sees fit. Don’t over-focus on results.


4. I Should Have No Needs 

I feel guilty when I need rest from my ministry, local culture, and local friends. The locals don’t need rest from these things, and I shouldn’t either. My success is wrapped up in becoming as much like them as I can. Also, missions is hard work; it’s not supposed to be easy. I shouldn’t need a break. I shouldn’t take vacations, spend money on leisure, or spend too much time with foreigners.


The lie here is that you are supposed to be a local, and all your needs should be the same as theirs. You are not a local, and you never will be. It’s ok to be different than they are and have different needs than they do. Sometimes just getting a little familiar comfort will help you serve on the field much longer and be more healthy and happy doing it.


5. Instagram Missions 

I find it hard to celebrate other people’s successes and have started to see other workers as competitors. I see everyone else’s success, and it makes me depressed. Instead of being motivated by what God is doing I’m discouraged and wonder why God isn’t using me like He’s using them.


The lie here is that other peoples’ ministry is awesome, and yours is not. Remember that no one’s minister is as impressive as it sounds. We all highlight the best parts, but the majority of everyone’s ministry is just a lot of hard work and slow gains. Don’t compare what you are doing to what others are doing. Learn to celebrate others’ success, remembering that we are all on the same team.


You may experience some or all of these things. I know I do and have. I made this list based on what I have dealt with in my own life. And trust me, my list is far longer than just five things.


In the Great Commission, Jesus reminds us that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to HIM, and then he comforts us with the promise that HE will be with us. Our Lord Jesus also comforts us with the promise and reminder that HE will build his church. It’s not our job. Our job is faithful obedience in the messy, slow, hard, underwhelming, and praise-less work of declaring the Gospel to those who have not heard it. The results are all in God’s hands. Let that truth comfort you as you keep your eyes on the Author and Finisher of the mission.

The Practical Missions Podcast

Pod #81 Finding Your Strategic Task in World Evangelization

Pod #80 Discipling From Scratch

Pod #79 Missions Will Radically Change You

Pod #78 Seven Keys to Practicing Simplicity

Pod #77 Missions is an Art, not a Science

Pod #76 From Militia to Missions

Pod #75Mobilizing Everyone into the Mission

Pod #74 Leaving The Field For Your Kids’ Sake

Pod #73 The Measure of Success

Pod #72 Advice for the Weary Worker

Pod #71 Dealing with Anxiety, Loss, and Failure 

Pod #70 Always Pushing The Envelope

Pod #69 There Are No Detours With God  

Pod #68 Renounce Everything

Pod #67 Adventures in Cross-Cultural Ministry 

Pod #66 The Determination to Last a Lifetime

Pod #65 Nothing is Impossible with God

Pod #64 Applying the Gospel to Myself 

Pod #63 The Good And Bad Of Being On The Field Long-Term

Pod #62 Where is the Fun?

Pod #61 Rediscovering Preaching

Pod #60 An Unshakable Calling

Pod #59 Messy Discipleship

Pod #58 A Mission Pastor's Perspective 

Pod #57 Building Healthy Community 

Pod #56 What You Model You Reproduce 

Pod #55 Serving Unseen

Pod #54 Dignifying the Disabled

Pod #53 Why God is Never Done with You

Pod #52 Leadership in Missions 

Pod #51 How to Care for our People on the Field 

Pod #50 Coming to Terms with the Different Seasons of life

Pod #49 How not to turn your ministry into a project

Pod #48 Missions is more than Church Planting

Pod # 47 The practice and theology of Single and Married on the field

Pod #46 Missions. Death. Widowhood. Starting Over.

Pod #45 Spiritual Abuse 

Pod # 44 God is doing something better 

Pod # 43 The Hard Reality of Reentry

Pod # 42 Missions is Never what you Expect

Pod #41 Newly Married and Moving to the Field 

Pod # 40 The Joys and Pains of Missions

Pod #39 Missions and Women

Pod #37 Missions and the Arab Church

Pod #36 The Human Side of Missions 

Pod # 35 Discipleship. Business. Prosperity Gospel. Africa.

Pod #34 Burnout on the Field 

Pod #33 No Easy Answers

Pod #32 Thirteen Bridge Stories

Pod #31 Getting Law & Gospel Right in Missions 

Pod # 30 Healing Bodies and Souls 

Pod #29 50 Years in Missions 

Pod # 28 Discipling in an Honor and Shame Culture

Pod # 27 The Radical Christian Life 

Pod # 26 How To Lead A DBS Group

Pod # 25 Missions Starts in the Livingroom 

Pod #24 Missions During COVID-19

Pod # 23 Growing up on the Field 

Pod # 22 Pressed Down But Not Crushed

Pod # 21 The Joy of Surrender

Pod # 20 Worshiper of God First

Pod # 19 A Reformed Missionary

Pod # 18 Keeping Close to the Gospel

Pod # 17 Here’s what people never tell you; it is hard

Pod # 16 Called To Something Great

Pod # 15 Rethinking Missions

Pod # 14 Knowing God Personally  

Pod # 13 True Success

Pod # 12 Running the Race with Endurance  

Pod # 11 A Surrendered Life

Pod # 10 Deep and Wide

Pod # 9 New to the Field  

Pod # 8 An Un-wasted Life

Pod # 7 Ten Years in Rural Ministry

Pod # 6 Doing Re-entry Better

Pod # 5 Twelve Years a Missionary

Pod # 4 Mother of Three

Pod # 3 Re-Entry Challenges

Pod # 2 Twenty Years Experience

Pod # 1 Your Host Gets Interviewed

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