The Practical Missions Podcast 

Pod # 17 Totally Committed

Here’s what people never tell you; it is hard

In this Pod, I talk to a woman who will blow your mind. We talk about the dangers of social media in missions, as well as the positive impact it’s having.  We talked about suffering and the cost of discipleship for Arabs, the challenges DBS leaves us with, the value of coaching for workers ministering in hard places, finding purpose and meaning in missions when not much is going on. And so much more.  


  • 1:00 Is Netflix destroying missions? 
  • 7:09 What is the positive side of media in missions? 
  • 11:46 The challenges to online discipleship  
  • 14:53 Do we overlook the cost of following Jesus in our discipleship? 
  • 18:46 Do we pursue rapid growth at the cost of good discipleship? 
  • 24:17 What is coaching for missionaries? 
  • 28:30 Common issues workers face when they seek out a coach
  • 33:46 Discipling influencers vs marginalized people 
  • 37:26 Does our longing to see a movement harm our ability to see individuals? 
  • 38:18 What are the trends shaping missions today? 
  • 39:26 How do you stay long-term without getting bored or burning out? 
  • 50:19 Why do missionaries find it easier to share the Gospel than to experience it? 


Resources Mentioned in this Pod 

The Social Dilemma. Available on Netflix

Listen on: Apple PodcastSpotify

They’ve started to do some really good work, they’ve opened up a great English center, maybe they’re running kids clubs, a sports center. But they’ve lost the edge of the Gospel. The CP coach’s goal is to keep the edge of the gospel sharp. We need platforms, we need ways to meet people. But if we lose our intentionality in sharing the Gospel and discipling people, we might as well just call ourselves English teachers or sports coaches.

Totally Committed

Pod #17 Totally Committed 

Here’s what people never tell you; it is hard

In this Pod, I talk to a woman who will blow your mind. We talk about the dangers of social media in missions, as well as the positive impact it’s having.  We talked about suffering and the cost of discipleship for Arabs, the challenges DBS leaves us with, the value of coaching for workers ministering in hard places, finding purpose and meaning in missions when not much is going on. And so much more. 

They’ve started to do some really good work, they’ve opened up a great English center, maybe they’re running kids clubs, a sports center. But they’ve lost the edge of the Gospel. The CP coach’s goal is to keep the edge of the gospel sharp. We need platforms, we need ways to meet people. But if we lose our intentionality in sharing the Gospel and discipling people, we might as well just call ourselves English teachers or sports coaches.

Listen on: Apple PodcastSpotify


  • 1:00 Is Netflix destroying missions?
  • 7:09 What is the positive side of media in missions?
  • 11:46 The challenges to online discipleship 
  • 14:53 Do we overlook the cost of following Jesus in our discipleship?
  • 18:46 Do we pursue rapid growth at the cost of good discipleship?
  • 24:17 What is coaching for missionaries?
  • 28:30 Common issues workers face when they seek out a coach
  • 33:46 Discipling influencers vs marginalized people
  • 37:26 Does our longing to see a movement harm our ability to see individuals?
  • 38:18 What are the trends shaping missions today?
  • 39:26 How do you stay long-term without getting bored or burning out?
  • 50:19 Why do missionaries find it easier to share the Gospel than to experience it?

Resources Mentioned in this Pod 

The Social Dilemma. Available on Netflix

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Pod # 9 I don’t want to give a single thought to what I can’t control

I talk to a guy who only spent one year in the Middle East but has incredible insight. He speaks openly and vulnerably about weaknesses, Arab friendships, managing expectations, sharing with supporters, and so much more. If you are looking to join missions in the Arab World or lead someone new to the field, this Pod is for you.

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