The Practical Missions Podcast
Bad Lyrics: A Call To Better Worship
In this article, I provide six (plus one) things for worship leaders to consider as they choose songs for the public gathering of God’s people for worship.
Submission or Rebellion?
The secular West has hijacked the Christian concept of dying to the old self and being born again. In this article, I contrast the West’s view with the Christian view to bring clarity to both.
Five Stressors Workers Face on the Field
Over the years, I’ve talked to countless people who are stressed out trying to do everything and feeling like they’re never doing enough. No matter how many people they visit, it’s never enough. No matter how much they try, there is always more to do.
Five Lies Workers Believe
In this article, we take a look at five lies cross-cultural workers can believe and examine the Gospel truth that confronts them.
Five MORE Lies Workers Believe
Being a cross-cultural worker can be exciting at times, but it’s also a lot of hard work. From language learning, building friends, figuring out what to do with our time, and having vision and strategies, there are many pitfalls we can fall into.
Calvin on Enjoying Life
Yet Calvin was able to understand the value of rest. He believed that enjoyment was a part of God’s plan for human life. He often said that God gave us wine when we could have done with just water.
The Same and yet Totally Different
Less than 150 years after Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, an unknown person wrote a letter to a man named Diognetus describing Christians to him.
Christ, the End of the Law
John Calvin wrote the preface to the Geneva Bible, and in it, he masterfully points us toward Christ and his infinite riches, which are the sum and summation of all the Scriptures.
Martin Luther’s Conversion in his own Words
“I beat importunately upon Paul at that place, most ardently desiring to know what St. Paul wanted.” Read the incredible story moment Luther was saved.
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