The Practical Missions Podcast 

Pod #65 Nothing is Impossible with God

Turning it all into praise fills me with a lot more faith

Today on the pod, I talk to a Christ-centered woman with a lot of experience in cross-cultural ministry, transition, dealing with difficult people, and finding peace with God through it all. 


  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:00 Getting into missions
  • 03:20 Called to the Muslim World
  • 06:20 The benefits of singles on the field
  • 10:10 Leading as a single
  • 13:48 Leading as a woman
  • 17:50 Turning your eyes to Jesus
  • 19:35 Staying Spiritually healthy
  • 26:25 Changing counties and languages
  • 33:04 Ministry never looks like you want it to
  • 35:05 The importance of prayer
  • 42:05 Experiencing despair and the gift of joy
  • 46:45 Resting on the field 
  • 55:25 Dealing with failure
  • 1:01:00 A final thought
More Quotes

I didn’t know we could hear God’s voice.

If I could do anything in the world, what would I be? I’d be a dolphin trainer! But straight away, another thought came to my mind, “There is something more important than dolphins; People.” After that, I thought, “Wow, I could go around the world telling people about Jesus.”

I sold my fridge and left for one year. That was 20 years ago.

As a single, I thought, I can’t go. It’s too lonely to go alone.

I asked someone if, as a single, I can be a blessing in a Muslim country. Her answer to me was, “Whatever stage of life you are, you will meet someone in that stage of life. Whether you’re single, whether you’re married and can’t have kids, whether you’re married with kids, whether you’re a widower, you will always meet people in the same stage of life.”

What about leading as a single?

Yeah, this is where it would be good to have someone to come home to and just be able to talk to.

And there’s Jesus…relying a lot on him.

I asked my leaders questions in the beginning, Who do you talk to? How do you debrief? How do you get your social time? Now I feel like I’m following their example a lot of the time.

My leader would just say, “It’s been a tough week. Can you pray for me?” She didn’t go into any details. So the people around her knew that she wanted their support, she needed a hug, but not to ask questions.

I love the outdoors. But sometimes it’s like, oh, but you should be working. But the outdoors gives you so much life.

I’ve been taking a sabbath every week for the last ten years.

I was having visa problems to another country, but during that time of unknown, God was saying to me, “Praise me, praise me, praise me.”

I thought God had totally forgotten about me.

What are the impossible things that God has done today?

Why do I just write praises? Because sometimes it’s like, “God, please can you change this situation? God, please, can you tell this person to change their mind, or treat me better? Please, can they stop complaining? But if you turn it into praise, “Thank you, Lord, for this person. Thank you, Lord, that they are contributing to our field and to their team. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that your hand is upon them and that they want to hear your voice.”

Turning it into praise fills me with a lot more faith.

All the terrible things, all the wonderful things, but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It’s all about Jesus. Everything I’m doing, it’s all about Jesus. Everything that we get to be a part of, it’s all about Jesus.

Learning Arabic was with a lot of chocolate and a lot of tears.

God has done a lot of preparation work in the country I’m in now. There’s been a lot of ground that has been broken, and it’s been because of prayer.  We are reaping the harvest of other’s prayers. But I also want to sow in prayers that others who come after me can reap.

When you take a sabbath rest, it’s one day a week when you are not doing anything, but God is still at work.

I love reading biographies. You know, people don’t write biographies when they’ve had a perfect life, they write them when they’ve had a lot of struggles.

I love my one day off, but then I need to see people the next day.

I tried to hide myself between the Russians.

I need rhythms rest.

Also, with taking a sabbath day, especially in leadership, I give myself permission to take a day off, therefore, I am giving you permission to take a day off.

I struggled with language, but at the same time, I’m using it.

We’ve all heard stories where someone is in a situation, and they can’t do it, but God does it through them.

There is a lot of grace.

Be faithful in what God is asking us to do right now. My life has been adventurous, and it’s fun, and I’m doing things I never imagined I would do. Especially leadership, I never wanted to be a leader. But my life has just been one step of obedience after the other.

Listen on: Apple Podcast | Spotify

Why do I just write praises? Because sometimes it’s like, “God, please, can you change this situation? God, please, can you tell this person to change their mind or treat me better? Please, can they stop complaining? But if you turn it into praise, “Thank you, Lord, for this person. Thank you, Lord, that they are contributing to our field and to their team. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that your hand is upon them and that they want to hear your voice.”

Nothing is Impossible with God

Pod #65 Nothing is Impossible with God

Turning it all into praise fills me with a lot more faith 

Today on the pod, I talk to a Christ-centered woman with a lot of experience in cross-cultural ministry, transition, dealing with difficult people, and finding peace with God through it all. 

Why do I just write praises? Because sometimes it’s like, “God, please, can you change this situation? God, please, can you tell this person to change their mind or treat me better? Please, can they stop complaining? But if you turn it into praise, “Thank you, Lord, for this person. Thank you, Lord, that they are contributing to our field and to their team. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that your hand is upon them and that they want to hear your voice.”

Listen on: Apple Podcast | Spotify


  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:00 Getting into missions
  • 03:20 Called to the Muslim World
  • 06:20 The benefits of singles on the field
  • 10:10 Leading as a single
  • 13:48 Leading as a woman
  • 17:50 Turning your eyes to Jesus
  • 19:35 Staying Spiritually healthy
  • 26:25 Changing counties and languages
  • 33:04 Ministry never looks like you want it to
  • 35:05 The importance of prayer
  • 42:05 Experiencing despair and the gift of joy
  • 46:45 Resting on the field 
  • 55:25 Dealing with failure
  • 1:01:00 A final thought
More Quotes

I didn’t know we could hear God’s voice.

If I could do anything in the world, what would I be? I’d be a dolphin trainer! But straight away, another thought came to my mind, “There is something more important than dolphins; People.” After that, I thought, “Wow, I could go around the world telling people about Jesus.”

I sold my fridge and left for one year. That was 20 years ago.

As a single, I thought, I can’t go. It’s too lonely to go alone.

I asked someone if, as a single, I can be a blessing in a Muslim country. Her answer to me was, “Whatever stage of life you are, you will meet someone in that stage of life. Whether you’re single, whether you’re married and can’t have kids, whether you’re married with kids, whether you’re a widower, you will always meet people in the same stage of life.”

What about leading as a single?

Yeah, this is where it would be good to have someone to come home to and just be able to talk to.

And there’s Jesus…relying a lot on him.

I asked my leaders questions in the beginning, Who do you talk to? How do you debrief? How do you get your social time? Now I feel like I’m following their example a lot of the time.

My leader would just say, “It’s been a tough week. Can you pray for me?” She didn’t go into any details. So the people around her knew that she wanted their support, she needed a hug, but not to ask questions.

I love the outdoors. But sometimes it’s like, oh, but you should be working. But the outdoors gives you so much life.

I’ve been taking a sabbath every week for the last ten years.

I was having visa problems to another country, but during that time of unknown, God was saying to me, “Praise me, praise me, praise me.”

I thought God had totally forgotten about me.

What are the impossible things that God has done today?

Why do I just write praises? Because sometimes it’s like, “God, please can you change this situation? God, please, can you tell this person to change their mind, or treat me better? Please, can they stop complaining? But if you turn it into praise, “Thank you, Lord, for this person. Thank you, Lord, that they are contributing to our field and to their team. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that your hand is upon them and that they want to hear your voice.”

Turning it into praise fills me with a lot more faith.

All the terrible things, all the wonderful things, but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. It’s all about Jesus. Everything I’m doing, it’s all about Jesus. Everything that we get to be a part of, it’s all about Jesus.

Learning Arabic was with a lot of chocolate and a lot of tears.

God has done a lot of preparation work in the country I’m in now. There’s been a lot of ground that has been broken, and it’s been because of prayer.  We are reaping the harvest of other’s prayers. But I also want to sow in prayers that others who come after me can reap.

When you take a sabbath rest, it’s one day a week when you are not doing anything, but God is still at work.

I love reading biographies. You know, people don’t write biographies when they’ve had a perfect life, they write them when they’ve had a lot of struggles.

I love my one day off, but then I need to see people the next day.

I tried to hide myself between the Russians.

I need rhythms rest.

Also, with taking a sabbath day, especially in leadership, I give myself permission to take a day off, therefore, I am giving you permission to take a day off.

I struggled with language, but at the same time, I’m using it.

We’ve all heard stories where someone is in a situation, and they can’t do it, but God does it through them.

There is a lot of grace.

Be faithful in what God is asking us to do right now. My life has been adventurous, and it’s fun, and I’m doing things I never imagined I would do. Especially leadership, I never wanted to be a leader. But my life has just been one step of obedience after the other.

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