The Practical Missions Podcast 

Pod # 13 True Success 

In your haste to find results don’t kill what God is doing

In this Pod, I talk to an amazing man who left a well-paying job in the West to do missions in an unreached part of the world. He shares with me his philosophy of success on the field. We also talked about common pitfalls missionaries fall into, lies missionaries believe, observable results vs faithfulness, hospitality, marriage, and so much more. 


  • 1:00 What’s your favorite COVID-19 conspiracy theory?
  • 1:46 How did you make the career change into missions? 
  • 8:43 Was your wife ok moving to the Middle East? 
  • 9:37 What does it mean to work in an unreached country? 
  • 14:44 The connection between obedience and success. 
  • 21:45 What is your philosophy of hospitality? 
  • 25:17 Is your hospitality pastoral care for others? 
  • 28:03 What do you and your family do for Christian community? 
  • 30:41 What pitfalls do you see in workers falling into on the field? 
  • 32:55 What are the differences between Asian and Arab versions of Honor and Shame? 
  • 35:22 How do you deal with the lack of accomplishment in missions? 
  • 40:30 A healthy marriage and the role of choice 
  • 44:50 Do you see a common thread in marriages that fall apart? 
  • 46:18 In marriage the highs are higher and the lows are lower 
  • 49:04 How do you and your wife deal with traveling separately? 
  • 52:03 What are the lies workers on the field believe? 

        Listen on: Apple Podcast Spotify

        Success can’t be measured by something that is not in your control. Obedience is something that is on our side of the fence. We can choose to obey, we can choose to be faithful, we can choose to be unfaithful. We can choose to love one another. We can choose to hate one another. Results are not in our control at all. 

        True Success

        Pod # 13 True Success 

        In your haste to find results don’t kill what God is doing

        In this Pod, I talk to an amazing man who left a well-paying job in the West to do missions in an unreached part of the world. He shares with me his philosophy of success on the field. We also talked about common pitfalls missionaries fall into, lies missionaries believe, observable results vs faithfulness, hospitality, marriage, and so much more.

        Success can’t be measured by something that is not in your control. Obedience is something that is on our side of the fence. We can choose to obey, we can choose to be faithful, we can choose to be unfaithful. We can choose to love one another. We can choose to hate one another. Results are not in our control at all.

        Listen on: Apple Podcast Spotify


        • 1:00 What’s your favorite COVID-19 conspiracy theory?
        • 1:46 How did you make the career change into missions?
        • 8:43 Was your wife ok moving to the Middle East?
        • 9:37 What does it mean to work in an unreached country?
        • 14:44 The connection between obedience and success.
        • 21:45 What is your philosophy of hospitality?
        • 25:17 Is your hospitality pastoral care for others?
        • 28:03 What do you and your family do for Christian community?
        • 30:41 What pitfalls do you see in workers falling into on the field?
        • 32:55 What are the differences between Asian and Arab versions of Honor and Shame?
        • 35:22 How do you deal with the lack of accomplishment in missions?
        • 40:30 A healthy marriage and the role of choice
        • 44:50 Do you see a common thread in marriages that fall apart?
        • 46:18 In marriage the highs are higher and the lows are lower
        • 49:04 How do you and your wife deal with traveling separately?
        • 52:03 What are the lies workers on the field believe?

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